How to remove gourmet smell
Its an age old tradition of the Dutch; making your own dish, it might not be the highest level of cooking, but it is a very fun activity to do with others! The only downside is… the smell! Your clothes smell for a long time and so does your home. So what can you do about it?
Why does gourmet smell so much?
Most of the time, the smell won’t occur during the gourmet itself. A lot of the times you will only notice it once you are done. This is because you don’t cook in the kitchen but at the table. Most of the time there is not a way to extract the air as compared to cooking on a stove, where you usually have an extraction hood. This means that the smell of cooking will not dissipate.
So what can be done against it?
A better question would be: how to prevent that gourmet smell? With the right preparation you can avoid going out with an outfit that smells like gourmet. The next steps will help you in this process:
Take an extra outfit
- Its as simple as that, taking an extra outfit will give you the best guarantee, of course make sure you keep this extra outfit in a separate room.
Make sure that there is ventilation
- Again relatively simple, but opening a window can do wonders for the smell or put your extraction hood on a high level. Make sure your window is not to close to where your sit or you will feel cold.
Put a little pan filled with vinegar on
Vinnegar has the useful property that it neutralizes other smells. So during gourmet you can put a small pan of vinegar on low heat. It will then neutralize most smells that it encounters.
(Grease) stains.
Gourmet is all fun and games but it you also run a risk of getting your clothing stained with grease. With all of the cooking, sauces and the like it is very possible that your clothing won’t survive the ordeal without receiving stains. Keep your napkin close by and make sure not to wear your most expensive clothing.
Removing the hard to remove gourmet smell.
Is there still a smell of gourmet in your home? Then you can remove the seemingly impossible to remove smell using the following tips:
- methylated spirit
Just like vinegar methylated spirit also neutralizes smells and odors. You don’t have to put this on heat. Just fill a bowl with some methylated spirit and leave it overnight.
Grinded coffee
2 Similair to the spirit, if you leave a bit of grinded coffee overnight in a bowl it will absorb some odors and smells. Afterwards however make sure you don’t use it to make coffee
3: other odors and smells
You can also remove the gourmet odor and smell using scented candles. Putting on some scented candles or incense can do the trick quite well. You can also put a small pan of Zwitsal or wash softener on low heat, that will restore your house to a lovely smell!
Does the gourmet smell not disappear despite the aforementioned efforts? Then it is very possible that the smell has entered the curtains or sofa. If this is the case no worries, we are experts in cleaning curtains, sofa and couch covers and other home textiles. We can make sure that your home & clothing looks fresh and smells great for the next dinner!
Want to know more? Read whether and how you should wash your ski clothing.
Written by: Martijn Koetsier
dobbi – proffessional textile cleaning & laundry to your doorstep